Only $99/month
- No needles or injections
- Can be taken at home
- Fewer side effects including potentially lower risk of
anaphylaxis - May be less expensive because taken at home
- More acceptable to children
- Takes less time overall

Allergy Immunotherapy Drops
Sullivan SInus and Allergy is please to offer allergy immunotherapy drops, an exciting alternative to allergy injections.
Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) is an alternative way to treat allergies without injections. Currently, the only forms of SLIT approved by the FDA are tablets for ragweed, northern pasture grasses like Timothy and dust mites. Sublingual Allergy Drops are not FDA-approved, and are off-label in the United States. They are not covered by most insurance, Medicare or Medicaid.
Sublingual Immunotherapy Drops use the same antigens that are used to make allergy injections. The antigen serums themselves are FDA approved. The FDA has not approved the sublingual route of administration. SLIT has been approved in Europe for over 25 years and is the main route of allergy immunotherapy there. It has been shown to be as effective as injections while causing much fewer reactions.
The risk of life threatening anaphylaxis (a severe systemic allergy reaction) with SLIT is estimated to be 1 in 1 billion allergy drops. The risk with injections is about 1 in 1 million injections. Allergy injections frequently cause minor skin reactions at the site of injection. SLIT therapy generally will not cause any local reactions although some may experience itching in the mouth after administration.
The main downside to SLIT treatment is the lack of insurance coverage for it. For many though, the added convenience and safety make it worthwhile. With certain high-deductible insurance plans, it may actually be a more economical solution.